Janny Woo

Janny Woo

Senior design manager
WXC Design and Research

Design lead on Bing's Whole Page Design Frameworks, Segment Answers, Knowledge Cards, and Coherence. Seattleite born and raised, and enjoys year-round iced Americanos.🥤 #PeakMillennialIntrovert

Speaker's Sessions

100: The art of conversation: Chat principles for Bing AI

AI Product Showcase

How do you design a conversation? With the launch of The New Bing, the Web Experience Collective is building an emergent user experience that reinvents Search. The underlying AI technology is moving faster than anything we've designed before, bringing constant change and the need for a principled approach that protects the core experience: chat. Join us for a beginner's session on the art of conversation, redefining a generation of Search, and the unique challenges of designing alongside AI.