Elie Ahovi

Elie Ahovi

Senior designer
Windows+Device Design

I've been part of Microsoft for the last 3 years where I help defining the future of computers, devices and gaming. Usually, you will find me exploring life through music curation, eating crêpes or most likely, riding my bikes.

Speaker's Sessions

Pecha Kucha - Xbox

Culture x Design

(A) Gamers - It all starts with content. (B) Devices - Purpose built Hardware. (X) Services - Reaching more people on more devices in more ways. (Y) Culture - Designing products that bridge gaming culture with Xbox and games.

Designing as One Microsoft

Hardware Futures

Panel discussion with leads across designers in Windows+Device Design (Surface, Xbox, Mixed Reality) and how on a daily basis they juggle product and business verticals and consumer markets, while trying to maintain a consistent design ethos and experiences as One Microsoft.